Maid Appleton @ the Botanical Garden in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

“Jardin Botanico Nacional” (National Botanical Garden)

“Mision Cumplida” (Mission Accomplished)

“Jardin Botanico Nacional – Dr. Rafael Ma. Moscoso”

Botanical clock

“Este jardin botanico se designa con el nombre ‘Dr. Rafael Ma. Moscoso’ para honrar la memoria del primer botanico dominicano autor de la obra ‘Flora Dominguensis’. Su amor a la naturaleza fue un culto.” ( “This botanical garden is designated with the name ‘Dr. Rafael Ma. Moscoso’ to honor the memory of the first Dominican botanist author of ‘Flora dominguensis’. His love of nature was a cult.”)

“La cana de azucar” (Sugar cane)

Sugar cane

“Jardin Botanico Dr. Rafael M. Moscoso – Obra realizada por el gobierno consitucional de la Republica Dominicana. Ano 1976” (Dr. Rafael M. Moscoso Botanical Garden – Work done by the Constitutional Government of the Dominican Republic. 1976)

“Petit coco: Uso: Ornamental, comestible: Origen: Endemica del suroeste de Haiti”

Bust of Dr. Rafael M. Moscoso

Photos taken from the botanical cart ride

Photos taken from the botanical cart ride

Photos taken from the botanical cart ride

Photos taken from the

Photos taken from the botanical cart ride

Photos taken from the botanical cart ride

Photos taken from the botanical cart ride

Photos taken from the botanical cart ride

Photos taken from the botanical cart ride

Photos taken from the botanical cart ride

Photos taken from the botanical cart ride

Photos taken from the botanical cart ride

Photos taken from the botanical cart ride

“Dr. Erik Leonard Erman”

“Dr. Erik Leonard Erman”


“La Caoba Dominicana” (West Indies Mahogany)

“Pabellon de plantas medicinales” (Medicinal plants pavilion)

“Cactaceas y Suculentas” (Cacti and succulents)