U2 Dublin

Maid Appleton @ U2 homage tour in Dublin and Killiney, Ireland


U2 Ireland Tour 01

“Bonavox Hearing Aids” – Store from where Paul Hewson got his nickname and become “Bono Vox”



Ire Killiney U2 Bono Closed Gate

The gate in front of Bono’s house in Killiney




Ire Killiney Bono Open Gate

View of Killiney Bay from Bono’s house when the gate is opened




Ire Killiney U2 Bono

View of Bono’s house from the beach on Killiney Bay





View of Edge’s house in Killiney



Ire Dublin Point Depot 01

“Point Depot 1878” – Former train depot and location where U2 has performed and made music videos


Ire Dublin Mt Temple U2 01

Mt. Temple – School where Larry Mullen Jr posted the ad to start a band and where he, David Evans (The Edge), Adam Clayton, and Paul Hewson (Bono) became ‘The Hype’, ‘Feedback’, and later U2



Ire Dublin Trinity College Education

Trinity College – site of early U2 concerts




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Bono wax statue at Ireland’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame



U2 Ireland Tour 09

“The Wall” a local wall near U2’s studios where fans leave graffiti messages



U2 Ireland Tour 08

“This is Not the Wall”



U2 Ireland Tour 03

“The Clarence Hotel” – An old hotel purchased and renovated by Bono and The Edge



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The Clarence Hotel



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Location of Principle Management, the management company founded by Paul McGuinness, U2’s agent and longtime friend



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Wax museum portrayal of local bar



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“Grand Canal Docks” – Site were several earlier U2 videos were filmed



U2 Ireland Tour 10

“Dockers” – Pub that U2 frequented in their early days



U2 Ireland Tour 13

Recording studio used in the early days of U2



U2 Ireland Tour 05

“Baggot Inn” – Hangout of U2 in the early days



U2 Ireland Tour 04

Club entrance at the back of the Clarence Hotel



U2 Ireland Tour 02b

“The Hot Press Irish Music Hall of Fame”



U2 Ireland Tour 02


U2 Ireland Tour 07

“Nude” – A Dublin-area cafe and sandwich shop owned by Bono’s brother Brendan Hewson





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