Brigham Young Cemetery

Maid Appleton @ the Brigham Young Cemetery in Salt Lake City, Utah



“Mormon Pioneer Memorial” also known as the Brigham Young Cemetery





Statue of Brigham Young reading to kids




Bust of Brigham Young




“Grave of Brigham Young – Prophet – Pioneer – Statesman ~ Born June 1, 1801, at Whitingham, Vermont. Died August 29, 1877, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Brigham Young, second President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, succeeded Joseph Smith, founder of the church, who was martyred at Carthage, Illinois. He was chosen as leader of the people in 1844 and sustained as president of the church December 27, 1847. Earlier that year he led the Mormon pioneers from Winter Quarters (Omaha) to the Salt Lake Valley, arriving here July 24. In 1849 he became governor of the provisional state of Deseret, and in 1850 governor of the territory of Utah. This tablet erected in honor of their beloved leader by the Young Men’s and Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association, which were organized under his direction. ~ Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association.”




“Joseph A. Young – Eldest son Pres B. Young”




“In memory of Mary V. Young, wife of President Brigham Young 19 daughter of John and Lucy L. Van Cott. Born Feb 2, 1844. Died Jan 5, 1884.”




“Lucy A. D. Young. Born May 17, 1822. Died January 24, 1891.”




“Mary Ann Angel Young. Born June 8, 1805. Died June 27, 1882.”




“Sacred to the memory of Eliza R. Snow Smith. Born in Becket Berkshire Co., Mass. Jan. 21, 1804. Died at Salt Lake City, Utah Dec. 5, 1887”







“Alice Young Clawson, wife of Hiram B. Clawson. Sept. 4, 1839 Montrose, Iowa. Nov. 2, 1874 St. George, Utah, and three baby children ~ Luna, Harry, Monroe”




LEFT —- “Eliza R. Snow – The well-known Mormon hymn, ‘O My Father’, has lifted millions of hearts through generations with its sublime message on man’s eternal journey. Words to the hymn were written by Eliza R. Snow. Born in Becket, Massachusetts in 1804, she was converted with her family to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon), and they trekked to Salt Lake Valley. Before her death in 1887, she served long and faithfully as a leader in women and youth organizations of the church.” RIGHT — Words to the hymn “O My Father”




“Between 1856 and 1860 some 3,000 handcart pioneers walked from Iowa to the Salt Lake Valley, pushing and pulling two-wheeled carts loaded with their belongings. Some 250 lost their lives on the handcart trail when trapped by blizzards in high mountain passes. The survivors helped build thriving communities in the mountains with a way of life offering eternal hope to all mankind.




“Abiding faith in God and the determination to protect their freedom to worship led the Mormon pioneers to seek refuge in an unsettled mountain region. This monument is a tribute not only to those who gave their lives on the trail across the plains, but to those who endured countless trials and privations and lived to make their new desert home blossom as a rose.”




“The Mormon pioneers moved slowly across nearly 1,400 miles of wilderness. With sweat and faith and fortitude they built hundreds of communities in the mountain vastness. With patient care, they planted and nourished the soil. As the land responded, a new Christian way of life emerged in the wilderness. The faith they embraced lives on today, encouraging and strengthening a growing number of lives in many lands.”




LEFT — “William Clayton ~ The hymn ‘Come, Come, Ye Saints’ has become a rallying song of Mormons everywhere. Its words were penned by William Clayton, born in Penwortham, Lancashire, England in 1814. He came to America as a convert of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon). When the pioneers made their historic trek from Illinois to Salt Lake Valley, he served as clerk of the first group entering the valley on the journey, in Iowa. He penned the words to ‘Come, Come, Ye Saints’ almost immediately it became a pioneer favorite.” RIGHT — Words to “Come, Come, Ye Saints”







“All is Well ~ This statuary and surrounding gardens have been created in tribute to the Mormon pioneers, who sang joyously ‘All is Well’ amid their trials and rigors of the long trek from Nauvoo, Illinois to Salt Lake Valley. Their beginnings came on April 6, 1830 when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) was organized under the leadership of the prophet Joseph Smith in Fayette, New York. An unwavering faith in the teachings of the church bound them together and caused them to seek a haven in the mountain wilderness where they could worship God unmolested. Driven from their homes in Nauvoo early in 1846 through religious persecution, the Mormon pioneers struggled westward on foot, horseback, and in wagons, many drawn by oxen. Of 80,000 who began the journey before the coming of the railroad in 1869, some 6,000 lost their lives along the trail. The pioneers under President Brigham Young, found Salt Lake City in 1847. The church for which they made this heroic sacrifice has now grown worldwide, bringing faith and hope and joy to millions.”












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