Maid Appleton @ Antelope Island ~ Great Salt Lake ~ State Park in Utah
“This memorial is in remembrance of the soldiers of the US Army and US Airforce Special Operations Command who died in the service of this great nation on 10-29-92 approx. 9:15 p.m. MST. May we remind each other that these men who died doing what they loved best will not fade away. “We will remember them, we will honor them, and we will pray for them forever.”

“The Road to Nowhere”

“Great Salt Lake Valley – A Place No One Wanted”

“Please Stay on Road”

Bronze Buffalo statue
“Antelope Island State Park – Buffalo Corral”

“Great Salt Lake – The Wanderer” – The Great Salt Lake is a closed-basin lake, meaning it does not have an outlet. As a result, the lake level fluctuates dramatically in response to precipitation and evaporation. Since the lake bed is almost flat, a small rise in lake level can shift the shoreline many miles. The historic high lake level was reached in the 1870s and the 1980s and the historic low in the 1960s. Compare the illustration and the hydrograph with what you see today. Can you estimate the current elevation of the lake level?
“Welcome to Antelope Island State Park” – Antelope Island is the largest of Great Salt Lake’s ten islands. Protected by the lake, the island’s relative isolation has helped preserve its unique environment, which appears today much as it did when Mormon pioneers first arrived in the Salt Lake Valley. Take time to discover all of the many facets this special place has to offer.

“Antelope Island State Park Visitor Center – State of Utah, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks & Recreation, Davis County Commissioner”