Maid Appleton @ Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway in Tuscaloosa, Alabama

“The Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway” – From 1887-1915, seventeen locks and dams were constructed on the Warrior-Tombigbee Rivers. The first 3 were built on the fall line in Tuscaloosa. This was the site of No. 3, later No. 12. The Warrior-Tombigbee Development Association, founded in Tuscaloosa in 1950 by leaders from Birmingham, Mobile, and Tuscaloosa, led the effort to modernize the waterway. Six modern locks and dams, replacing the original 17, have been built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers between Mobile and Port Birmingham, providing efficient navigation, flood control, recreation and hydropower. As a result of the Association’s efforts barge tow travel time was cut in half and the size of payloads tripled. Erected May 19, 2000 as the Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway Association celebrated its 50th anniversary.