Saturday morning
E-mail 14 of 15: Saturday, 12 April, 2003
Well tomorrow I go back to Houston. It’s kind of an odd feeling. Tonight will be the culminating moment. Everything will be complete. I feel kind of foolish having felt worried and anxious before but it honestly feels right. In fact it couldn’t feel more right. I hope none of you feel like I’m rushing this but then again you don’t really have a say in the matter do you.
Basically what I’m trying to say is I’m going to ask her to come back with me and become a permanent fixture in my life. I wonder if that’s wrong to tell everyone that before she knows but from the get-go I made up my mind to keep you all informed (if nothing else for accountability reasons and so I wouldn’t chicken out on what I knew could be the end result of this).
When the heart is involved it’s so much easier. I hope I can sleep tonight.
The luckiest man alive,
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